Support FAQs
What are Cues?
Where can I reach out for Support?
How do I find my App Version Number?
Do timers run in the background while multitasking on iOS?
How do I learn more about the app's features?
What are Cues?
With Cue It: Interval Timer, you can create Cues. A Cue is a list of multiple countdown timers in a single sequence - when one timer ends, the next timer starts right away!
You can create a Cue for whenever you need to follow a sequence of steps to do in short timed intervals, when one overall countdown timer would be too broad. You can also loop a sequence of timers more than once.
When you first download the app, two Cues for "4-7-8 Breathing" and "Square Breathing" techniques are included to demonstrate the concept.
Where can I reach out for Support?
Contact the developer of Cue It at if you encounter any errors or issues any need assistance.
Feedback and suggestions for new features are always welcome as well!
How do I find my App Version Number?
Your App Version number can be found by looking in the Settings while Cue It is running - check at the footer of the "App Information and Support" section of the table. Alternatively, you can open the "App Support" menu.
Do timers run in the background while I am multitasking on iOS?
If you are running a Cue's timers, Cue It will remain active in the background on iOS*. When you return to Cue It after multitasking, the app will fast forward the countdown timers to where you should be based on how long you were gone.
If you do not want the timer to continue in the background, press the Pause button.
*Please note that if the app is automatically closed by iOS for any reason, this will reset the app.
How do I learn more about the app's features?
When first downloading and opening the app, you will be presented with a brief onboarding screen that explains the app's general features.
If you are using version 1.2 or later, you can also visit the User Guide section in the app's Settings menu. You will find a User Guide, which contains short descriptions and brief tutorials of various app features.
If you have not yet purchased the app, you are welcome to send a Support email asking any questions about the app's features to help inform your decision.